The high-level qualification of our translation projects is achieved thanks to the procedural consistency brought by the market’s best computer resources, as well as the best technical documentation sources, so as to guarantee homogeneous terminology.
In order to offer the best result, we assign each translation project to to the most specialized and experienced team in the field in question, which team always translates into its mother tongue, so as to guarantee language that is both adequate and up-to-date.
A brief consideration
Few people realize that style traditions vary widely amongst national press. For instance, Italy favors informalism and the direct recording of spoken language into written language, whereas this would be unthinkable in Germany. British media often contain passive sentences, a point of no return that no one would allow him or herself to cross in Spain. When we write a long sentence in Spain, French people increase punctuation and divide the same wording into two, three or even up to four statements. The semiotics behind polish formulisms is inimitable in the Netherlands.
This makes journalistic translation a very specialized activity, which pushes our translators to keep strictly up to date with the tendencies of the languages they work in. Translation never involves rewriting; instead, it focuses on communicating, which is more than ever the very purpose of journalism.
For this reason and because of the style consistency that any communication media must maintain, at Trad&Go each client enjoys the services of one and the same translator.
In order to avoid incurring in the mistakes occasioned by what we call “look-alikes”, our translators network is made of professionals who, on top of being bilingual, know the legal and financial cultures perfectly well and have proven experience in the field of jurisprudence, mastering the corresponding terminology.
Our translators
We have an extensive international network of professional translators originating from multidisciplinary environments, which gives us the ability to guarantee both quality and consistency to our clients.
What we translate
- Instruction manuals
- Reparation manuals
- Licenses
- Product guarantees
- Medical documents
- Leaflets
- Brochures
- Tender conditions